Perry Adam Lieber Discusses Why It’s Important To Time Your Workouts

Perry Lieber
4 min readOct 29, 2021


Many people may not know the importance of timing workouts. It can be a problem because, according to Perry Adam Lieber, a Santa Barbara, CA personal trainer, if one does not time their workout, they are wasting their time and do not see results as quickly as those who do their workout routines. However, this idea is inherently faulty and should be considered before you write off timing your workouts as unimportant.

Timing workouts is important because it lets you know what you are doing and how long it takes. This gives a certain level of organization to your workout routine, which can benefit you in many ways, such as knowing when you finish all of your work out or when to slow down if necessary.

Knowing the amount of time, it takes to complete your workout also allows you to plan other things in life around your workout schedule if needed. With an organized workout plan, according to Perry Adam Lieber, there is no need for flexibility. Therefore free time during the day will be used more productively with less stress due to everyday factors.

Here are a few reasons why its important to time your workouts

Long Hours May Set You Back

The idea that timing your workout is not important because it does not have to be done perfectly means there are no rules that can work against you if you are trying to burn fat. Burning the maximum amount of calories in the least time possible allows for easier maintenance of weight loss or muscle gain because it takes less time. Going over this time-frame may not necessarily mean it’s counter-productive, according to Perry Adam Lieber. Still, some studies show holding cardio for under forty-five minutes is more beneficial than doing longer workouts. Variation of exercises and intensity must be taken into account, regardless of length, to maximize effectiveness.

Long Workouts Do Not Allow Enough Recovery Between Sets

If you cannot go on with another set during a workout, then there is something wrong. The possibility of not giving your all to every set is higher when they are too long because you will most likely slow down or stop earlier than intended. There is no thrill in putting forth the half effort, so that that timing workouts can help with that.

Long Workout Plans May Overwork Certain Muscle Groups

If your routine requires hours at the gym each day for multiple days, then it might be time to rethink the plan itself rather than chalking it up to being unimportant to time your exercises. Working out longer may not be more productive because some muscles need more recovery time between sets than others depending on their function and proximity to other working muscles. This means there are muscles in workout routines that must be given more focus and attention than others. If you fail to do this, then overworking certain muscles can set you back by limiting muscle growth and straining them to the point of injury.

Overworking Can Cause Symptoms in Your Everyday Life

When muscles are overworked, they become strained and may contribute to symptoms in your everyday life such as soreness in joints and ligaments; giving you shortness of breath; cramping; fatigue; lightheadedness; or pain in muscles that do not go away with rest.

According to Perry Adam Lieber, all these symptoms can be brought on due to overworking certain muscles in the body when there is no even distribution of work between muscle groups. This lack of balance can cause injury if proper recovery time between workouts is not taken into account. Some people have no problem working out hours at a time, while others suffer greatly from doing so without any way of knowing how much is too much until it’s too late.

Consistency Is Key

Timing workouts, for the most part, are about consistency and balance. The best way to get into a workout routine that works for you and your schedule is by finding a consistent time to do the same exercises to track progress. This makes it easier to maintain than trying something different every time you go to the gym.

Planning your workouts ensures no confusion about what muscles groups should be worked on or how many reps or sets are necessary because there is only one possibility. It also guarantees whatever plan you choose will not take up too much time and allows more room in the day for other things such as work, school, family life, etc. Consistency means proper form and execution each time you workout.

It Leads to Efficiency

Given how time is a limited resource nowadays, why waste it on doing something you don’t have to do? Working out for hours gives the impression that it takes hours, and this false sense of needing that much time can be misleading. If someone needs to spend three hours in the gym each day, then, by all means, they should do so — but only if they feel comfortable and not restricted or pressured into thinking there is some standard or a golden number of working out an hour (or more) per day every day.

All goals are different, and one person’s regimen may require less time than another. It is simply about recognizing what your body needs to perform at its highest level — which may mean shorter workouts sometimes and longer.



Perry Lieber
Perry Lieber

Written by Perry Lieber

Professional Fitness and Health Entrepreneur with more than sixteen years of experience in business development. Located in Santa Barbara, California.

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